【個展】望月めぐみ切り絵展 祈り咲く空 Solo Exhibition “Prayer Blooms in the Sky”

■望月めぐみ切り絵展 祈り咲く空
■Megumi Mochizuki Papercutting Exhibition – Prayer Blooms in the Sky
午前9時30分~午後5時30分 ※入館は閉館30分前まで
毎週水曜日 (祝日の場合は翌日) ※5月3日(水)、4日(木)は開館
一般700円 (600円) 小中学生300円 (250円) ※( )内は20名以上の団体料金
409-2522 山梨県南巨摩郡身延町下山1597山梨県富士川クラフトパーク内
Tel:0556-62-5545 https://www.kirienomori.jp/art_museum/51/
4月1日(土) 13:30~
4月9日(日) 13:30~
5月13日(土) ①10:30~ ②13:30~
6月10日(土) ①10:30~ ②13:30~
6月11日(日) 13:30~ 事前申込制
■Megumi Mochizuki Papercutting Exhibition – Prayer Blooms in the Sky
4/1 Sat. ~ 6/25 Sun. 9:30AM~5:30PM Closed on Wednesday
Fujikawa Kirie Art Museum (in Yamanashi Fujikawa Craft Park)
1597 Shimoyama, Minobu-cho, Minamikoma-gun, Yamanashi
Admission : Adult 700yen, Elementary school / Junior high school student 300yen
The first solo exhibition in two years will be held at a museum specializing in paper-cutting.
The paper used for works ranges from 30 to 110 cm in width and totals more than 200 meters in length. It is my largest solo exhibition to date, featuring both old and new installation works.
Please enjoy the space woven by papercuttings cut by hand.